4/1/2024 1

Volito has donated money to Sjöräddningssällskapet

Volito has during the autumn of 2023 donated money to Sjöräddningssällskapet Torekov.

Information for donors to ¨Torekov 12m boat¨
"The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place"

"We can now happily state that with your help we have managed to secure the financing of our
new rescue cruisers!
Again, many thanks to the generous contributions. Our voluntary efforts around Bjäres
coasts and with Torekov as a base is matched through your gifts of a new and state-of-the-art
sea rescue boat.
The first, critical step is now complete. The boat is ordered. Now a lot remains practical
work and planning, for example specification of equipment for the boat. Our stormy
Kattegat makes tough demands."